Turbo C Project File C:\BCC\INCLUDE C:\BCC\LIB 32767 ~GREP -n+ $MEM(64) $NOSWAP $PROMPT $CAP MSG(GREP2MSG)void *.c ~Turbo Assembler /MX /ZI /O $TASM Turbo ~Debugger $EXENAME Turbo ~Profiler tprof $EXENAME R~esource Compiler ~Import Librarian IMPLIB $IMPLIB EXAMPLES OF ARRAY ASSIGNMENTS These programs show the ways that array assignments *really* work in C and C++. The problem has to do with the mysterious warnings that are produced in trying to assign values to pointers to arrays. That is, unsigned long (*pBigArray)[], Big1[10]; pBigArray = Big1; is not acceptable at all in BC++, and produces important warnings in ANSI C. This phenomenon, and its cure, is illustrated through compiling the two programs, ARRAYS.CPP and ARRAYS.C and looking over the diagnostic messages. >> IMPORTANT NOTE: -------------- ADJUST THE Options/Directories OF THIS PROJECT TO YOUR CONFIGURATION FIRST. -- Dennis E. Hamilton orcmid.roch817@xerox.com 70100.271@compuserve.com5 ARRAYS.CPP YS.CPP ARRAYS.C RAYS.C INCLUDE\STDLIB.H INCLUDE\ASSERT.H ARRAYS.C